Friday, November 9, 2012

Had a good 11 hour all night flight to Tel Aviv from Toronto, then loaded tour buses to take us to our hotel. Couldn't sleep on the El Al  Boeing 767 aircraft so now staying awake until 10 pm Israel time to conteract jet lag. Sask time is 8 hours earlier. Took a stroll along the Mediterranean Sea which is right across the street from our hotel. Watched surfers and took sunset pictures around 5 pm. Had a delicious buffet in this beautiful hotel called Dan Panorama.We have a gorgeous view of the Mediterranean Sea from our 14th floor balcony facing West. Below are some pictures from today.
View of Tel Aviv from the air as we are coming in for landing.
The view from our hotel room balcony

Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea
Windsurfers on the beach near our hotel

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