Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 10, Sunday November 18, 2012

Our first stop of the day was the Jerusalem museum to see a model of the old city of Jerusalem and the shrine of the Book where portions of the dead sea scrolls are on display.

After that we went to Bethlehem so see the Church of the Nativity to see the manger where Jesus was born. We stood in line for two hours for this and then we had lunch and were constantly accosted by peddlers who just wouldn't leave us alone.

Then we went to Bethlehem Souvenir Centre and bought some souvenirs and again were constantly accosted by peddlers when we left the store.

I wouldn't recommend going to Bethlehem.

We ended our day of touring by attending a church service at the King of Kings church in the bottom floor of Jerusalem's first high rise. Very good service. Joel Rosenburg was the guest speaker. Good message on Titus, but didn't really say much about prophecy.

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