Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 4

Today started with a ride around the Sea of Galilee on a "Jesus Boat" similar to the ones that would have been used in the time of Jesus. During the ride a short video was taken on an iPhone which was played on 100 Huntley Street later that day. At the end of the trip we docked at Geneserat where an ancient 2000 year old boat has been excavated from the mud of the Sea of Galilee.

We continued our tour by visiting the site where the resurrected Jesus met his disciples after they had been fishing all night and not catching anything. He then told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat and they caught 153 fish.  In the Hebrew alphabet the letters represented by the numbers 100, 50 and 3 spell out "I am God". This is also where Peter declared his love for Jesus after being asked by him three times "Do you love me."

We then went on to Capernaum, the second home of Jesus and his base of operations during his ministry. It is also the home of Peter and we saw the site where Peter's house was situated.  We also saw an old Jewish Synagogue.

We then continued on around the Sea of Galilee, crossing the Northern Jordan River, travelling along the edge of the Golan Heights, passing the site where Jesus cast a legion of demons out of a demon possessed man and driving them into a herd of pigs which then ran headlong into the sea. Not sure if you heard or not but two days ago Syrian rockets landed on a settlement in the Golan Heights and for the first time since 1967, Israel fired back. This information came from our guide who was in the Israeli army and did his time of service in the Golan Heights clearing mines.

Our day concluded with a baptismal service in the Jordan River on the south end of the Sea of Galilee. Ron Mainse conducted the service and baptised approximately 65 people.

On our boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.  That is Tiberias in the background.

A 2000 year old fishing boat excavated from the mud of the See of Galilee.

On the shore of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus met the disciples after a night of fishing.

Inside the ruins of an old synagogue in Capernaum.

Baptismal service in the Jordan River.

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